It’s My Turn

Several ask me why I’m doing this whole Melkim Publishing thing. Why not go the traditional route? That is, why not send music to Jackman and other publishers until I’m finally noticed? After all, starting my own publishing company uses up a lot of time and even a little bit of money.

The answer? I just want to do this differently. Self-publishing is by no means nothing new. Especially with today’s technology, practically anyone with a little savvy can self-publish good products with relatively low costs.

And the best part? No middle men! For over a decade, I’ve been trying to get works of fiction published, being told several times that my work is good, but not what they’re looking for. Rejection letters are the norm. Recently, I’ve also approached music publishers, only to be outright ignored — not even the courtesy of a rejection letter.

Then recently it hit me. What did I have to lose? I have a decent day job that takes care of the expenses. Why wait to find the right middle man to notice my work? They have their needs, and I have my own. My fiction and music needs to go out to the world, and I can do it myself, here and now.

That’s why Melkim Publishing exists. I understand that this whole venture could be a bust, but that’s okay. It’s kind of nice to do things now at my own pace, such as being able to take a month-long “vacation” this past January. I did nothing at all in my business except for when someone who actually ordered some Christmas music. Of course I was happy to spend a few minutes filling the order, but then I happily went back on vacation.

But how much better would it be if this venture kicks off! Sure, I would have to hire people, get an office and a bigger printer, possibly spend more time, etc., but then I would then be able to quit my day job and pursue my dreams full-time. I would have a lot more time to compose!

Looking back over the last few years, I see a couple of blog posts I’ve written along the way that pertain to my current situation.

The Day Job: As I study my working as an actuary (and now as a banker), I show the future from the movie About Schmidt that I want to avoid. I don’t want to be a forgotten nobody with no purpose. Rather, I want to pursue my dreams and leave my mark on the world.

This Time Comes Only Once: I am very good at being happy where I am now, but as I find myself leaving different epochs of my life and moving on to bigger things, I end up in much better situations.

Pick Me! Pick Me!: As I relate my primary school experiences of being chosen last on sports teams, I realize that my turn will come one day.

And that’s where I am today. Instead of waiting to be picked, I’m starting my own team. I am not alone in my position. There are several other good composers out there who go largely unnoticed since their music doesn’t quite fit the Jackman mold. And I know that choir directors are getting tired of the same old stuff, who have no idea that there is other good music out there or how to find it.

This is what I hope to accomplish. Not only do I hope to sell my own music, but I’d like to help usher in a new model and bring you the new music you’ve been looking for. I would like to help expose my colleagues whose music needs to be heard.

What comes next? I will continue pushing forward. Currently, I’m spending most of my time in music preparation. I’m on track to put out one new piece of music each month for Good Report Music, and I’m am also on track for a July or August release of the upcoming Melkim Classical imprint with six new classical piano selections. In the meantime, I will continue researching and find the best way to get the word out.

Though I am happy and comfortable where I am now, I am ready for the next stage. Bring it on! It’s my turn!






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