Introducing the Melkim Mission Statement


Hello everyone, I am Mel Windham, composer and owner of Melkim Publishing. Over the past seven years, I’ve been working hard behind the scenes, producing new music by several different artists, and hopefully you’ve all been enjoying what we’ve had to offer. There’s a lot more on the way.

And perhaps you have also been enjoying our newsletters and blogs. But today I wanted to try something different — a first for Melkim Publishing. I wanted to show my face and let you hear my distinctive voice. Talking instead of writing. And I’ll explain why shortly while unveiling our new mission statement.

This business was launched in October 2016. At first, the impetus was to self-publish my own music. But while putting together the opening list of pieces, I realized that I wanted to promote other musicians as well. Yes, I didn’t want Melkim Publishing to be just another vanity project, but rather a company that will grow into something much greater.

Also, having come from a variety of different musical backgrounds, I have a desire to share new musical ideas for people to enjoy. So, at Melkim Publishing, you can find a variety of music, both religious and secular. Some easy pieces and some difficult. A lot of piano and choral, some organ, and shortly we’ll also have a few larger orchestrations as well. We’ve even released a Christmas music album on Spotify and other streaming services.

I also desire to bring more peace and calm during today’s troubling times, and this is an area where music excels. Wouldn’t you agree that especially now, there is plenty of room for more music?

And yet, at the same time, there is another unique issue that needs addressing. You may not realize this, but there are a lot of composers and lyricists who are struggling. I’ve come across several beautiful arrangements and original compositions that remain unpublished. I see very capable artists getting rejected because — well, the publishing companies themselves are also struggling. Sheet music sales are falling, and many artists — well, they feel that their music is just unappreciated — that they have no other option than to provide their music for free.

I hope to help change this. Part of the issue is that the old music publishing model is just getting old and stale. And so, I’m approaching Melkim Publishing with a different paradigm — something that I hope will catch attention, and catch on elsewhere, and help to revitalize musical culture.

I’d like you to stop and think for a moment … when was the last time you’ve seen the head of music publishing company? If you’re in the Latter-day Saint music market, you may know Jackman Music, but do know what Mr. Jackman looks like? Do you know who the new owners are and have you seen them? What about the heads of Alfred or Hal Leonard?

And what about the composers and lyricists? Do you know anything about them? What they look like? What drives them? And if you know who they are, have you bought any of their music lately?

It’s almost like: the creators create, then hand off their works to the publishers, who then clinically pass these on to the consumers while earning money. It’s more like a business transaction than a process that is full of soul.

And what drives this? I venture to guess. We musicians tend to be introverted. We’re all strange, with our own distinctive voices and foibles. We are very capable in creating good music, and we want people to enjoy it. But at the same time, it’s so easy to stay behind the scenes and watch.

So, as difficult as it may be for me, here I am on the camera, talking to you. And I’ve got stories to tell. There are people I want you to meet. We have music we’d love for you to hear and enjoy. And together we can strengthen our musical community, which can only lead to more good music and enjoyment.

And with all that, you’ve heard the explanation of our new mission statement. Now watch as we bring it all together.

Our mission is to promote new music and strengthen connections between artists and listeners to encourage stronger musical culture, instill peace, and help make the world a better place.

I thank you for watching our first in-person Melkim video, and I look forward to more in the near future. While you’re here, feel free to like and subscribe to this YouTube channel, and also subscribe to the Melkim Newsletter. And if you’re new to Melkim, please visit our website. I’ll provide links below.

Thank you again, and see you in our next video.






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