All about music!!

  • General Conference Modulations

    (Note: Watching the video is highly recommended so you can hear the examples. You may also find that this transcript doesn’t entirely match — because I went off script a little. Both the video and this transcript capture the essence of the General Conference Modulation.) Hello! I’m Mel Windham, composer and owner of Melkim Publishing.…

  • Stats From 2024

    2024 was another successful year. And “We Three Kings” is still head of the bunch, with other songs catching up. Top 4 sellers of 2024: We Three Kings (Windham) 22% It Is Well with My Soul (Windham) 14% New Favorite Christmas Carols and Hymns, Vol. 1 (Various) 12% As God Is, We May Be (Carter,…

  • Introducing Orchestrations

    Hello. I’m Mel Windham, composer and owner of Melkim Publishing, and I would like to introduce you to our new lineup of orchestrations, just now released and ready for your enjoyment. These are all new arrangements and original compositions written for orchestras of various sizes. And most of these involve choir or solo voice. We’ll…

  • Introducing Hope

    Hello. I am Mel Windham, Composer and Owner of Melkim Publishing, and I would like to introduce you to our newest album, Hope. During these uncertain times, I hope that this album will provide peaceful and relaxing piano music, to help us all to remember that we can always have hope. Things can always get…

  • Losing Finale

    A little bit of bad news here … Most likely, you haven’t noticed that something major had just occurred in the music industry. I laugh because while my Facebook friends are talking up TV shows, politics, memes, and such; my own feed has been filled with many dealing with this catastrophic music event. Let me…

  • Stats From 2023

    2023 turned out to be our most successful year in terms of total sales and downloads. As such, there is more competition for the top selling spots. And “We Three Kings” is starting to fall in comparison. Top 3 sellers of 2023: We Three Kings (Windham) 23% Christmas Celebration (Carter, Windham) 13% Ding Dong! Merrily…

  • Introducing the Melkim Mission Statement

    TRANSCRIPT: Hello everyone, I am Mel Windham, composer and owner of Melkim Publishing. Over the past seven years, I’ve been working hard behind the scenes, producing new music by several different artists, and hopefully you’ve all been enjoying what we’ve had to offer. There’s a lot more on the way. And perhaps you have also…

  • Stats From 2022

    Here are some selected stats from 2022 sales. Sales are starting to pick up, and here are the top sellers. Top four sellers of 2022: We Three Kings (Windham) 41% Guiding Star (Carter) 18% O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Carter) 15% Variations on “Jesus Loves Me” (Gilliam) 13% If you include the free downloads and…

  • Stats From 2021

    Here are some selected stats from 2021 sales. Even though sales were relatively low due to the pandemic, we still have enough data to show what the top sellers have been. Top four sellers of 2021: We Three Kings (Windham) 57% O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Piano – Carter) 6% December (Windham) 6% He Who Built…

  • Our First Christmas Hymn Collection

    Note: This item is on sale 33% off through 12/31/2021. A couple of years ago, my church announced the upcoming compilation of a new hymnal and also a new children’s songbook. They asked for submissions from composers and lyricists, even opening it up to people not of our faith. And they received tens of thousands…